The Authentic New Testament Apostolic Foundation

There is an acid test for every Christian. This foundation test will determine how authentic and true a person’s commitment to Christ and to His Kingdom. Most of the Christians do not even understand this truth let alone live it. This test will determine whether we are founded in the New Testament apostolic foundation, who is Christ himself. Anyone claiming to be an apostle or pastor of today’s church must put themselves through this test. It will reveal the authenticity they hold. It is the red line. There is no middle ground here. Either you are inside or you are out.

The test is this: A person’s authentic and true relationship with Israel: the land and its people; and an authentic understanding of this apostolic foundation, will reveal how authentic their relationship is with their God and how authentic their commitment is to His Kingdom.

If we do not understand into whom we have been grafted into, we fail to understand in whom we are sustained. We who are gentiles and wild olive shoots has been grafted into the nourishing cultivated olive tree, whose natural branches and first fruit is Israel. Christ is the true Vine, His authentic and true name is, ”YESHUA”. With all due respect, ‘Jesus’ is a Greek translated name. And we gentiles are his uncultivated wild branches who draw our nourishment from Him our true vine and we are co-heirs together with the natural branches in His Kingdom.

Please read Romans 9:1-5, 11:11-32, John 15:1-17 and Ephesians 2:11-22.

Anyone who does not walk in this truth does not walk and function in the complete true and authentic New Testament apostolic foundation and deny Him whom they call their Lord and Saviour.